Education Coordinator

Cherie Ramirez is the full-time education coordinator at the Marshall County Solid Waste Management District. As education coordinator, Cherie’s job includes providing environmental education for all ages as well as handling social media, writing the District newsletter, and organizing other outreach activities the District provides. She partners with schools, clubs, festivals, and other groups in the county to share information about reducing, reusing, and recycling. 

Cherie is a Plymouth native. She holds an associate’s degree in education from Ancilla College and comes to the Depot with both teaching and administrative experience from Plymouth School Corporation. She is married and the mother of three teenagers. She enjoys spending time outdoors and participating in her kids’ activities, including Marshall County 4-H horsemanship and Plymouth high school football. 

To talk with Cherie or find out more about environmental education at the Depot, give her a call at the District office: 574-935-8618.